Reigna Jones 28th June 2008

To my first LOVE....GUANA TYRONE SIMS..... Words cannot express the pain I feel from your loss.I went to pieces when I learned of your passing the morning after. I felt cheated because you were my heart and soul. You were my children's father and we are lost without you. Guana you held it together when things got tough for me in life, you always stood by my side through thick and thin. Completely we had a bound that NO ONE could have ever broken. Since you came into my life sixteen years ago we were together twelve of those years. When we broke-up it was amazing that we remained close, if not physical, better still emotionally. WE were each others support system and I now write my thoughts in a daily Journal dedicated to your memory. I remember The day you died....I called you early that afternoon to bring the children food and you said you were at work and jokingly told me to get "off my lazy butt" and cook something instead of fast food. I laughed and said I'm too tired to cook. Now I have been forced to hold my head high and STAY off my lazy butt(lol)and continue taking care of your babies the way you would want me to. Ghana and Reauna are devasted without you. Lainy dreamt that you told her that "This is tearing me apart" because you were looking down on your children crying over you. She said you sent your love to everyone. I will never forget how you were the man who helped raise my first four children before I birthed two of your own. You were the best father that my children could've had in this lifetime. I am going to start going back to church and get in tuned with my spirituality. I believe that God will help us through this unbearable time. I have many memories of you and I remember we loved that song that Avant sings "My First Love". to comment the part in the song I want to say "I'D CHOOSE U AGAIN". I will never forget you and your warmth, smile, quick-wit and charm. Goodnight my sweet prince until the family meets you again. God and Jesus will take care of you now. Oh by the way I had the pleasure of meeting your girlfriend at the time of your passing, Jasmin, she is absolutely amazing. I would have liked to have had her as my children's stepmother. Your children love her and she has been a dynamite support system (smile). Picture that me and (as I call her) Jazzy Lady becoming friends. Your passing has brought us together and our strength has made us able to take care of your children. Rest In Peace Love always forever more, Reigna(raina) Your children's mommy