Erryn (Gauna's 1st Stepdaughter) 13th August 2008

I thought of you last nite. Sometimes I think of the wierdest things, lol. I thought of how every Halloween you would buy the kids' costumes. U would make sure they have everything they wanted right down to the face paint, lol. You were such a good father. Some days are hard for me other days I am perfectly fine. I find myself every now and then still in disbelief that you are REALLY GONE. When I say the word "gone" over and over that is when it really hits me. You were such a strong, big man and I remember thinking you were invinicble when I was a little girl. As I got older, I remember I would always get you to intimidate my boyfriends. Just this pass Feb. I remember I called you because I was arguing with my present boyfriend. I told you to call him because we had gotten into this huge fight. Well, anyway, after I was sure you called him and scared the living daylights out of him (laugh), I called you back to see how everything went. I remember you asking me: "Did you tell that boy that you were going to get your dad to kick his ass????". I replied "yes"- because I did tell him that. You and I just started cracking up, lol.....I miss you. Lil' Ghana is hanging in there. I know he mourns for you alot but he is working so hard to make you proud. He is doing all of his summer reading for high school and working on all his projects...just as you would want him to. Re-re I'm worried about- she doesn't talk about "it" much but she seems so sad and angry all the time. I can't even get into her thoughts. If I was given one wish, right this moment, I wouldn't wish for anything for myself- not a million dollars or anything. If God granted me one wish I would wish for to come back to us. I don't want to seem selfish, but I just can't get my mind around the fact that he took you away from us. Why? Of all the things you were to everyone, above all you were a father! So many people in this world grow up without their fathers but you were there and you were a wonderful one. Why did he have to take you. I'll never understand. I hope you enjoyed your birthday. We missed you sooo much down here on earth. Love you